Minecraft Death Beacon Mod
Each sound effect has a name assigned to it in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE). The game will play these sound effects when different things happen in the game such as breaking a block or throwing a potion. You can also choose to play these sound files or stop them from playing whenever you want using game commands such as /playsound or /stopsound.
Here is an interactive list of the sound effects in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE).
- Death Finder Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2 that will allow us to find the exact point where our character or the character of any of our friends has died. When someone dies, the way how he died will appear in the chat, as well as the exact coordinates of the death points and the.
- Jul 13, 2020 The only effective way to know where you last died in Minecraft is by using mods. There are many mods that can highlight the location of your previous death using a beacon or a mini-map. You could try one of these mods out for free to make finding your lost items much easier.
- The current position is added to the death screen. Coordinates, the dimension, as well as the current distance for the point of death are added to every death message. Operators are even able to click the coordinate part to be supplied with a teleport command. When the player respawns after death a death map and a death compass are given to them.
- ★ Only the player can see their own corpse light beacon. Other players in the vicinity can only see your directional markers. ★ Beacon signals and directional markers will only last a short time. Cooldown period is a few secs between each use. ★ Suicide potion cannot be seen by other players, only the owner can use.
TIP: If you are not running Minecraft Pocket Edition, try one of our other versions:
(Enter a value in the field above to find a sound effect in the table below)
A group of people that specialise in making high quality modpacks and maps for Minecraft. We started out as a custom challenge map in Minecraft that made heavy use of multiple tech mods. Quick Navigation.
Name of the Sound Effect |
ambient.basalt_deltas.mood |
ambient.cave |
ambient.crimson_forest.mood |
ambient.nether_wastes.mood |
ambient.soulsand_valley.mood |
ambient.warped_forest.mood |
ambient.weather.lightning.impact |
ambient.weather.rain |
ambient.weather.thunder |
armor.equip_chain |
armor.equip_diamond |
armor.equip_generic |
armor.equip_gold |
armor.equip_iron |
armor.equip_leather |
beacon.activate |
beacon.ambient |
beacon.deactivate |
beacon.power |
block.bamboo.break |
block.bamboo.fall |
block.bamboo.hit |
block.bamboo.place |
block.bamboo.step |
block.bamboo_sapling.break |
block.bamboo_sapling.place |
block.barrel.close |
block.barrel.open |
block.beehive.drip |
block.beehive.enter |
block.beehive.exit |
block.beehive.shear |
block.beehive.work |
block.bell.hit |
block.blastfurnace.fire_crackle |
block.campfire.crackle |
block.cartography_table.use |
block.chorusflower.death |
block.chorusflower.grow |
block.composter.empty |
block.composter.fill |
block.composter.fill_success |
block.composter.ready |
block.end_portal.spawn |
block.end_portal_frame.fill |
block.false_permissions |
block.furnace.lit |
block.grindstone.use |
block.itemframe.add_item |
block.itemframe.break |
block.itemframe.place |
block.itemframe.remove_item |
block.itemframe.rotate_item |
block.lantern.break |
block.lantern.fall |
block.lantern.hit |
block.lantern.place |
block.lantern.step |
block.loom.use |
block.scaffolding.break |
block.scaffolding.climb |
block.scaffolding.fall |
block.scaffolding.hit |
block.scaffolding.place |
block.scaffolding.step |
block.smoker.smoke |
block.stonecutter.use |
block.sweet_berry_bush.break |
block.sweet_berry_bush.hurt |
block.sweet_berry_bush.pick |
block.sweet_berry_bush.place |
block.turtle_egg.break |
block.turtle_egg.crack |
block.turtle_egg.drop |
bottle.dragonbreath |
bubble.down |
bubble.downinside |
bubble.pop |
bubble.up |
bubble.upinside |
bucket.empty_fish |
bucket.empty_lava |
bucket.empty_water |
bucket.fill_fish |
bucket.fill_lava |
bucket.fill_water |
camera.take_picture |
cauldron.adddye |
cauldron.cleanarmor |
cauldron.cleanbanner |
cauldron.dyearmor |
cauldron.explode |
cauldron.fillpotion |
cauldron.fillwater |
cauldron.takepotion |
cauldron.takewater |
conduit.activate |
conduit.ambient |
conduit.attack |
conduit.deactivate |
conduit.short |
crossbow.loading.end |
crossbow.loading.middle |
crossbow.loading.start |
crossbow.quick_charge.end |
crossbow.quick_charge.middle |
crossbow.quick_charge.start |
crossbow.shoot |
damage.fallbig |
damage.fallsmall |
dig.ancient_debris |
dig.basalt |
dig.bone_block |
dig.chain |
dig.cloth |
dig.coral |
dig.fungus |
dig.grass |
dig.gravel |
dig.honey_block |
dig.lodestone |
dig.nether_brick |
dig.nether_gold_ore |
dig.nether_sprouts |
dig.nether_wart |
dig.netherite |
dig.netherrack |
dig.nylium |
dig.roots |
dig.sand |
dig.shroomlight |
dig.snow |
dig.soul_sand |
dig.soul_soil |
dig.stem |
dig.stone |
dig.vines |
dig.wood |
elytra.loop |
entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned |
fall.ancient_debris |
fall.basalt |
fall.bone_block |
fall.chain |
fall.cloth |
fall.coral |
fall.egg |
fall.grass |
fall.gravel |
fall.honey_block |
fall.ladder |
fall.nether_brick |
fall.nether_gold_ore |
fall.nether_sprouts |
fall.nether_wart |
fall.netherite |
fall.netherrack |
fall.nylium |
fall.roots |
fall.sand |
fall.shroomlight |
fall.slime |
fall.snow |
fall.soul_sand |
fall.soul_soil |
fall.stem |
fall.stone |
fall.vines |
fall.wood |
fire.fire |
fire.ignite |
firework.blast |
firework.large_blast |
firework.launch |
firework.shoot |
firework.twinkle |
game.player.attack.nodamage |
game.player.attack.strong |
game.player.die |
game.player.hurt |
hit.ancient_debris |
hit.anvil |
hit.basalt |
hit.bone_block |
hit.chain |
hit.cloth |
hit.coral |
hit.grass |
hit.gravel |
hit.honey_block |
hit.ladder |
hit.nether_brick |
hit.nether_gold_ore |
hit.nether_sprouts |
hit.nether_wart |
hit.netherite |
hit.netherrack |
hit.nylium |
hit.roots |
hit.sand |
hit.shroomlight |
hit.slime |
hit.snow |
hit.soul_sand |
hit.soul_soil |
hit.stem |
hit.stone |
hit.vines |
hit.wood |
item.book.page_turn |
item.book.put |
item.shield.block |
item.trident.hit |
item.trident.hit_ground |
item.trident.return |
item.trident.riptide_1 |
item.trident.riptide_2 |
item.trident.riptide_3 |
item.trident.throw |
item.trident.thunder |
jump.ancient_debris |
jump.basalt |
jump.bone_block |
jump.chain |
jump.cloth |
jump.coral |
jump.grass |
jump.gravel |
jump.honey_block |
jump.nether_brick |
jump.nether_gold_ore |
jump.nether_sprouts |
jump.nether_wart |
jump.netherite |
jump.netherrack |
jump.nylium |
jump.roots |
jump.sand |
jump.shroomlight |
jump.slime |
jump.snow |
jump.soul_sand |
jump.soul_soil |
jump.stem |
jump.stone |
jump.vines |
jump.wood |
land.ancient_debris |
land.basalt |
land.bone_block |
land.chain |
land.cloth |
land.coral |
land.grass |
land.gravel |
land.honey_block |
land.nether_brick |
land.nether_gold_ore |
land.nether_sprouts |
land.nether_wart |
land.netherite |
land.netherrack |
land.nylium |
land.roots |
land.sand |
land.shroomlight |
land.slime |
land.snow |
land.soul_sand |
land.soul_soil |
land.stem |
land.stone |
land.vines |
land.wood |
leashknot.break |
leashknot.place |
liquid.lava |
liquid.lavapop |
liquid.water |
lodestone_compass.link_compass_to_lodestone |
minecart.base |
minecart.inside |
mob.agent.spawn |
mob.armor_stand.break |
mob.armor_stand.hit |
mob.armor_stand.land |
mob.armor_stand.place |
mob.bat.death |
mob.bat.hurt |
mob.bat.idle |
mob.bat.takeoff |
mob.bee.aggressive |
mob.bee.death |
mob.bee.hurt |
mob.bee.loop |
mob.bee.pollinate |
mob.bee.sting |
mob.blaze.breathe |
mob.blaze.death |
mob.blaze.hit |
mob.blaze.shoot |
mob.cat.beg |
mob.cat.eat |
mob.cat.hiss |
mob.cat.hit |
mob.cat.meow |
mob.cat.purr |
mob.cat.purreow |
mob.cat.straymeow |
mob.chicken.hurt |
mob.chicken.plop |
mob.chicken.say |
mob.chicken.step |
mob.cow.hurt |
mob.cow.milk |
mob.cow.say |
mob.cow.step |
mob.creeper.death |
mob.creeper.say |
mob.dolphin.attack |
mob.dolphin.blowhole |
mob.dolphin.death |
mob.dolphin.eat |
mob.dolphin.hurt |
mob.dolphin.idle |
mob.dolphin.idle_water |
mob.dolphin.jump |
mob.dolphin.play |
mob.dolphin.splash |
mob.dolphin.swim |
mob.drowned.death |
mob.drowned.death_water |
mob.drowned.hurt |
mob.drowned.hurt_water |
mob.drowned.say |
mob.drowned.say_water |
mob.drowned.shoot |
mob.drowned.step |
mob.drowned.swim |
mob.elderguardian.curse |
mob.elderguardian.death |
mob.elderguardian.hit |
mob.elderguardian.idle |
mob.enderdragon.death |
mob.enderdragon.flap |
mob.enderdragon.growl |
mob.enderdragon.hit |
mob.endermen.death |
mob.endermen.hit |
mob.endermen.idle |
mob.endermen.portal |
mob.endermen.scream |
mob.endermen.stare |
mob.endermite.hit |
mob.endermite.kill |
mob.endermite.say |
mob.endermite.step |
mob.evocation_fangs.attack |
mob.evocation_illager.ambient |
mob.evocation_illager.cast_spell |
mob.evocation_illager.celebrate |
mob.evocation_illager.death |
mob.evocation_illager.hurt |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_attack |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_summon |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_wololo |
mob.fish.flop |
mob.fish.hurt |
mob.fish.step |
mob.fox.aggro |
mob.fox.ambient |
mob.fox.bite |
mob.fox.death |
mob.fox.eat |
mob.fox.hurt |
mob.fox.screech |
mob.fox.sleep |
mob.fox.sniff |
mob.fox.spit |
mob.ghast.affectionate_scream |
mob.ghast.charge |
mob.ghast.death |
mob.ghast.fireball |
mob.ghast.moan |
mob.ghast.scream |
mob.guardian.ambient |
mob.guardian.attack_loop |
mob.guardian.death |
mob.guardian.flop |
mob.guardian.hit |
mob.guardian.land_death |
mob.guardian.land_hit |
mob.guardian.land_idle |
mob.hoglin.ambient |
mob.hoglin.angry |
mob.hoglin.attack |
mob.hoglin.death |
mob.hoglin.howl |
mob.hoglin.hurt |
mob.hoglin.retreat |
mob.hoglin.step |
mob.horse.angry |
mob.horse.armor |
mob.horse.breathe |
mob.horse.death |
mob.horse.donkey.angry |
mob.horse.donkey.death |
mob.horse.donkey.hit |
mob.horse.donkey.idle |
mob.horse.eat |
mob.horse.gallop |
mob.horse.hit |
mob.horse.idle |
mob.horse.jump |
mob.horse.land |
mob.horse.leather |
mob.horse.skeleton.death |
mob.horse.skeleton.hit |
mob.horse.skeleton.idle |
mob.horse.soft |
mob.horse.wood |
mob.horse.zombie.death |
mob.horse.zombie.hit |
mob.horse.zombie.idle |
mob.husk.ambient |
mob.husk.death |
mob.husk.hurt |
mob.husk.step |
mob.irongolem.death |
mob.irongolem.hit |
mob.irongolem.throw |
mob.irongolem.walk |
mob.llama.angry |
mob.llama.death |
mob.llama.eat |
mob.llama.hurt |
mob.llama.idle |
mob.llama.spit |
mob.llama.step |
mob.llama.swag |
mob.magmacube.big |
mob.magmacube.jump |
mob.magmacube.small |
mob.mooshroom.convert |
mob.mooshroom.eat |
mob.mooshroom.suspicious_milk |
mob.ocelot.death |
mob.ocelot.idle |
mob.panda.bite |
mob.panda.cant_breed |
mob.panda.death |
mob.panda.eat |
mob.panda.hurt |
mob.panda.idle |
mob.panda.idle.aggressive |
mob.panda.idle.worried |
mob.panda.presneeze |
mob.panda.sneeze |
mob.panda.step |
mob.panda_baby.idle |
mob.parrot.death |
mob.parrot.eat |
mob.parrot.fly |
mob.parrot.hurt |
mob.parrot.idle |
mob.parrot.step |
mob.phantom.bite |
mob.phantom.death |
mob.phantom.hurt |
mob.phantom.idle |
mob.phantom.swoop |
mob.pig.boost |
mob.pig.death |
mob.pig.say |
mob.pig.step |
mob.piglin.admiring_item |
mob.piglin.ambient |
mob.piglin.angry |
mob.piglin.celebrate |
mob.piglin.converted_to_zombified |
mob.piglin.death |
mob.piglin.hurt |
mob.piglin.jealous |
mob.piglin.retreat |
mob.piglin.step |
mob.pillager.celebrate |
mob.pillager.death |
mob.pillager.hurt |
mob.pillager.idle |
mob.polarbear.death |
mob.polarbear.hurt |
mob.polarbear.idle |
mob.polarbear.step |
mob.polarbear.warning |
mob.polarbear_baby.idle |
mob.rabbit.death |
mob.rabbit.hop |
mob.rabbit.hurt |
mob.rabbit.idle |
mob.ravager.ambient |
mob.ravager.bite |
mob.ravager.celebrate |
mob.ravager.death |
mob.ravager.hurt |
mob.ravager.roar |
mob.ravager.step |
mob.ravager.stun |
mob.sheep.say |
mob.sheep.shear |
mob.sheep.step |
mob.shulker.ambient |
mob.shulker.bullet.hit |
mob.shulker.close |
mob.shulker.close.hurt |
mob.shulker.death |
mob.shulker.hurt |
mob.shulker.open |
mob.shulker.shoot |
mob.shulker.teleport |
mob.silverfish.hit |
mob.silverfish.kill |
mob.silverfish.say |
mob.silverfish.step |
mob.skeleton.death |
mob.skeleton.hurt |
mob.skeleton.say |
mob.skeleton.step |
mob.slime.attack |
mob.slime.big |
mob.slime.death |
mob.slime.hurt |
mob.slime.jump |
mob.slime.small |
mob.slime.squish |
mob.snowgolem.death |
mob.snowgolem.hurt |
mob.snowgolem.shoot |
mob.spider.death |
mob.spider.say |
mob.spider.step |
mob.squid.ambient |
mob.squid.death |
mob.squid.hurt |
mob.stray.ambient |
mob.stray.death |
mob.stray.hurt |
mob.stray.step |
mob.strider.death |
mob.strider.eat |
mob.strider.hurt |
mob.strider.idle |
mob.strider.panic |
mob.strider.step |
mob.strider.step_lava |
mob.strider.tempt |
mob.turtle.ambient |
mob.turtle.death |
mob.turtle.hurt |
mob.turtle.step |
mob.turtle.swim |
mob.turtle_baby.born |
mob.turtle_baby.death |
mob.turtle_baby.hurt |
mob.turtle_baby.step |
mob.vex.ambient |
mob.vex.charge |
mob.vex.death |
mob.vex.hurt |
mob.villager.death |
mob.villager.haggle |
mob.villager.hit |
mob.villager.idle |
mob.villager.no |
mob.villager.yes |
mob.vindicator.celebrate |
mob.vindicator.death |
mob.vindicator.hurt |
mob.vindicator.idle |
mob.wanderingtrader.death |
mob.wanderingtrader.disappeared |
mob.wanderingtrader.drink_milk |
mob.wanderingtrader.drink_potion |
mob.wanderingtrader.haggle |
mob.wanderingtrader.hurt |
mob.wanderingtrader.idle |
mob.wanderingtrader.no |
mob.wanderingtrader.reappeared |
mob.wanderingtrader.yes |
mob.witch.ambient |
mob.witch.celebrate |
mob.witch.death |
mob.witch.drink |
mob.witch.hurt |
mob.witch.throw |
mob.wither.ambient |
mob.wither.break_block |
mob.wither.death |
mob.wither.hurt |
mob.wither.shoot |
mob.wither.spawn |
mob.wolf.bark |
mob.wolf.death |
mob.wolf.growl |
mob.wolf.hurt |
mob.wolf.panting |
mob.wolf.shake |
mob.wolf.step |
mob.wolf.whine |
mob.zoglin.boost |
mob.zoglin.death |
mob.zoglin.say |
mob.zoglin.step |
mob.zombie.death |
mob.zombie.hurt |
mob.zombie.remedy |
mob.zombie.say |
mob.zombie.step |
mob.zombie.unfect |
mob.zombie.wood |
mob.zombie.woodbreak |
mob.zombie_villager.death |
mob.zombie_villager.hurt |
mob.zombie_villager.say |
mob.zombiepig.zpig |
mob.zombiepig.zpigangry |
mob.zombiepig.zpigdeath |
mob.zombiepig.zpighurt |
music.game |
music.game.creative |
music.game.credits |
music.game.crimson_forest |
music.game.end |
music.game.endboss |
music.game.nether |
music.game.nether_wastes |
music.game.soulsand_valley |
music.game.water |
music.menu |
note.banjo |
note.bass |
note.bassattack |
note.bd |
note.bell |
note.bit |
note.chime |
note.cow_bell |
note.didgeridoo |
note.flute |
note.guitar |
note.harp |
note.hat |
note.iron_xylophone |
note.pling |
note.snare |
note.xylophone |
particle.soul_escape |
portal.portal |
portal.travel |
portal.trigger |
raid.horn |
random.anvil_break |
random.anvil_land |
random.anvil_use |
random.bow |
random.bowhit |
random.break |
random.burp |
random.chestclosed |
random.chestopen |
random.click |
random.door_close |
random.door_open |
random.drink |
random.drink_honey |
random.eat |
random.enderchestclosed |
random.enderchestopen |
random.explode |
random.fizz |
random.fuse |
random.glass |
random.hurt |
random.levelup |
random.orb |
random.pop |
random.pop2 |
random.potion.brewed |
random.screenshot |
random.shulkerboxclosed |
random.shulkerboxopen |
random.splash |
random.swim |
random.toast |
random.totem |
record.11 |
record.13 |
record.blocks |
record.cat |
record.chirp |
record.far |
record.mall |
record.mellohi |
record.pigstep |
record.stal |
record.strad |
record.wait |
record.ward |
respawn_anchor.ambient |
respawn_anchor.charge |
respawn_anchor.deplete |
respawn_anchor.set_spawn |
smithing_table.use |
step.ancient_debris |
step.basalt |
step.bone_block |
step.chain |
step.cloth |
step.coral |
step.grass |
step.gravel |
step.honey_block |
step.ladder |
step.nether_brick |
step.nether_gold_ore |
step.nether_sprouts |
step.nether_wart |
step.netherite |
step.netherrack |
step.nylium |
step.roots |
step.sand |
step.shroomlight |
step.slime |
step.snow |
step.soul_sand |
step.soul_soil |
step.stem |
step.stone |
step.vines |
step.wood |
tile.piston.in |
tile.piston.out |
ui.cartography_table.take_result |
ui.loom.select_pattern |
ui.loom.take_result |
ui.stonecutter.take_result |
use.ancient_debris |
use.basalt |
use.bone_block |
use.chain |
use.cloth |
use.coral |
use.grass |
use.gravel |
use.honey_block |
use.ladder |
use.nether_brick |
use.nether_gold_ore |
use.nether_sprouts |
use.nether_wart |
use.netherite |
use.netherrack |
use.nylium |
use.roots |
use.sand |
use.shroomlight |
use.slime |
use.snow |
use.soul_sand |
use.soul_soil |
use.stem |
use.stone |
use.vines |
use.wood |
vr.stutterturn |
Name of the Sound Effect
In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), the name of a sound effect starts with one of the following values:
- ambient
- armor
- beacon
- block
- bottle
- bubble
- bucket
- camera
- cauldron
- conduit
- crossbow
- damage
- dig
- elytra
- entity
- fall
- fire
- firework
- game
- hit
- item
- jump
- land
- leashknot
- liquid
- lodestone_compass
- minecart
- mob
- music
- note
- particle
- portal
- raid
- random
- record
- respawn_anchor
- smithing_table
- step
- tile
- ui
- use
- vr
TIP: You do not prefix the sound effect name with minecraft:
in Pocket Edition game commands.
I've never really heard anything like this?BB/quoteThe vatitone is a great mod, in the past I have found normal passive tone controls ineffective, all they really do is cut treble which I can do just as easily do by tweaking the amp. The varitone in contrast is a six position control which I have found in conjunction with the darkstar provides a real change in tone. Charvel surfcaster for sale uk.
Example of how to play a sound effect
Knowing the name of a sound effect comes in handy when you want to play a sound. You can use the /playsound command to play a sound effect at any time in the game.
For example, you can play the eerie sounds of an elder guardian for the player named DigMinecraft.
Other Sound Effect Lists
3Beacon PE adds fully working beacon which can give the players a variety of effects in a small radius. Mod is made a qualitatively, it is worth noting a pleasant beacon menu interface.
First you need to get it. Beacon is available in the inventory of the creative mode, but you can also crafting it (crafting recipe below) or obtained by using ToolBox addon.
Crafting recipes:
Beacon (id - 600)
Nether Star (id - 399)
Now you need to make the construction for beacon. It can be made of different blocks (emerald, iron, gold and diamond). And you can make this construction in different sizes (screenshot below). It is noteworthy that depending on the block will be available to certain effects. All effects are available for the diamond structure.
I made a diamond construction and has placed the beacon on the top. Now you need to open the beacon menu. To do this, simply tap on the him.
As you can see, the interface is made very nice and understandable for many. There is a basic effect and an additional (health regeneration), which will apply in any case.
Among the main effects will be available to the following:
Super jump
To get the effect you need to select the main effect, put one of the resources (emerald, diamond, gold or iron) in the slot, and then click the confirm button.
As long as you is located at a certain distance from the beam, the effect will last indefinitely. This radius depends on the height of the pyramid. For single-stage - 16 blocks, further - 24, 32 blocks, and four-stage - 50 blocks.
Beacon PE mod installation:
Download the archive and unpack
Open BlockLauncher and go to settings
Select «ModPE script» section and click on the 'Add'
Minecraft Death Beacon Mod Apk
Find a mod file and click on it to add
Download Beacon-PE-v1.0.zip
Death Note Minecraft Mod
- Category: Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition
Minecraft Death Beacon Mod
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