Abrt Cli Status Timed Out

Abrt Cli Status Timed Out Average ratng: 3,9/5 2284 votes
  1. Abrt Cli Status Timed Out 2016
  2. Bash Abrt Cli Status Timed Out
  3. Abrt Cli Status Timed Out Of Account

Hey guys,

Can you check the status of the bonding by login into the appliance directly? Check the status of bonded ethernet connection status. If you installed Netbackup admin or Java console then try to connect to the Netbackup and see what is happening so that you can confirm the connectivity between the system and Appliance. 但是还是琢磨琢磨怎么回事。仔细看提示,大概意思是:“指令终止,检测到一个问题,可以执行abrt-cli list -since 命令了解更多的信息。 Last login: Thu Jan 5 08: from ABRT has detected 1 problem(s). For more info run: abrt-cli list -since.

after restoring a complete tar system backup (excluding, /mnt,/run,/proc,/sys,/dev,/tmp,/lost+found) i have run into this problem when trying to login via tty:

Complete journal for boot:

Interesting part:

The systems seems usable (after the login delay) and X seems to start fine (according to the log file) But i only get a black screen when i use startx. Could it be that excluding all the paths
Doom 1 for mac. ( /mnt,/run,/proc,/sys,/dev,/tmp,/lost+found) was too much? I recreated them with the proper permissions after restoring the backup.(bootable usbstick) I thought nothing of these directories should be in the backup as they are virtual file systems, am i right?

This part causes a massive delay of 16 seconds after hitting enter to login:

Woodexpress serial season 4. Then this happens (Failed to create session and root logs in anyways):

Some more failures afterwards:


i restored a complete system backup of my arch installation. I used this to create the backup:

To restore i reformatted my disk and put the tar archive in the root dir. Then used this command:

and manually created the directores i excluded in the backup command.

My system boots but i get weird delays when trrying to login. I dont use graphical login but tty. I put in my User [ENTER] put in my password [ENTER] then i have 10 seconds delay until i get logged in. When i use startx i just get a black screen. Everything else from the console seems to work though..


Thanks in advance!

Last edited by schnip_schnap (2014-03-02 22:43:09)

From time-to-time I'm getting the following message:
ABRT has detected 1 problem(s). For more info run: abrt-cli list --since 1461792169
The output that the above command produces is:
[root@jpdsys1 ~]# abrt-cli list --since 1461792169
id f6f4445aa30895793096e8427d1dc0f596ee0bd5
reason: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged
time: Wed 27 Apr 2016 05:27:26 PM EDT
cmdline: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64 root=/dev/mapper/vg_jpd1opsys-lv_root ro rd.md.uuid=4f8d2a8d:592b5d40:b2252a29:3c16213c rd.lvm.lv=vg_jpd1opsys/lv_root rd.md.uuid=c9603f45:a906643b:9f9d90c3:80524d94 rd.md.uuid=59b572b4:a34e7962:9abc3452:4b84b738 rd.lvm.lv=vg_jpd1swap/lv_swap rd.lvm.lv=vg_jpd1opsys/lv_usr rhgb quiet LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Abrt Cli Status Timed Out 2016

package: kernel
uid: 0 (root)
count: 1
Directory: /var/spool/abrt/oops-2016-04-27-17:27:26-3121-0
Reported: cannot be reportedBash tmoutSet
When I go to the directory, I see the following:
[root@jpdsys1 ~]# cd /var/spool/abrt/oops-2016-04-27-17:27:26-3121-0 ;; ls -ltr
total 204
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 1 Apr 27 17:27 uid
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 10 Apr 27 17:27 time
Abrt Cli Status Timed Out-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 10 Apr 27 17:27 last_occurrence
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 6 Apr 27 17:27 architecture

Bash Abrt Cli Status Timed Out

-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 393 Apr 27 17:27 os_info
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 24 Apr 27 17:27 hostname
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 10 Apr 27 17:27 type
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 269 Apr 27 17:27 suspend_stats
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 50 Apr 27 17:27 reason
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 6432 Apr 27 17:27 proc_modules
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 37 Apr 27 17:27 os_release
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 347 Apr 27 17:27 cmdline
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 10 Apr 27 17:27 analyzer
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 6 Apr 27 17:27 abrt_version
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 6 Apr 27 17:27 package
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 6 Apr 27 17:27 component
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 5 Apr 27 17:27 username
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 4 Apr 27 17:27 runlevel
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 0 Apr 27 17:27 event_log
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 135 Apr 27 17:27 machineid
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 81835 Apr 27 17:27 dmesg
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 40 Apr 27 17:27 uuid
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 105 Apr 27 17:27 not-reportable
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 40 Apr 27 17:27 duphash

Abrt Cli Status Timed Out Of Account

-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 27 Apr 27 17:27 kernel
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 624 Apr 27 17:27 backtrace
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 7 Apr 27 17:27 pkg_name
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 7 Apr 27 17:27 pkg_arch
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 7 Apr 27 17:27 pkg_version
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 13 Apr 27 17:27 pkg_release
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 2 Apr 27 17:27 pkg_epochAbrt Cli Status Timed Out
-rw-r----- 1 root abrt 1 Apr 27 17:27 count
Where do I look to try and find out the hardware issue I'm having?